It is important to remember that horses can be unpredictable. Our riders safety is paramount, however, accidents can happen.
It is therefore important that you as a rider wear the appropriate attire and safety equipment to protect yourself and ensure your comfort whilst riding.
We do have the right to refuse any rider if suitable items are not worn at the time of the ride.
How to keep safe.
What you need to know before you get here.
The Protective Gear We Provide.

All riders must wear a riding hat to "PAS015/BSEN1384 standard (these can be borrowed from BRS free of charge for your lesson).
Riders under 17 years old must wear a body protector (these can be borrowed from BRS free of charge for your lesson).
Wellington boots, shoes and boots with a small heel are preferred to trainers which can slip through the stirrups.
Jogging bottoms or leggings are more comfortable than jeans.
All long hair must be tied back in a low pony tail.
We advise you to take out full personal accident cover
All equipment is regularly checked and meets all recommended safety standards where applicable.
Redham Lane,
South Gloucestershire,
BS35 4HQ